Paint Pullets from Elite Silkies

 I am very pleased to introduce you to my partner breeder Cammy Jarvis, of  Elite Silkies, located in Durant Ok,  this fine breeder is offering some of the best quality Silkies and Showgirls to be found anywhere, AND in many exciting colors.

Currently she is working on outstanding Whites, they will be offered to the public in the near future.  She also is breeding gorgeous Mottled Cochin Bantams.

I wish I could keep up with the pictures of her gorgeous birds but for you to really enjoy looking at her stock you need to go to her website  

She will be offering chicks and possibly eggs sometime this fall  [2016]

 You may contact her for more information and an appointment to see her birds or make arrangements for pictures.  Every now and then she also offers some breeders for your consideration.

I hope you will spend some time and check out the great breeding program at EliteSilkies, and take advantage of the opportunity to own some of these very outstanding  birds. You will be so glad you did.  I know I am!


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